How to Make Amazake - Hot Logic Mini (Lunch Box Warmer)

Amazake Co. invented a new, simple and economical way to make Amazake at home simply using a Hot Logic Mini lunch box warmer and a Pyrex container! This is great for someone who wants to make a small amount of fresh Amazake. This is also great for someone who wants to try making it without investing in other speciality equipment.

Before you start:

* Make sure all the equipment is clean and sanitized.
* If your koji is stored in the refrigerator, restore koji to room temperature.
* If your koji is stored in the freezer, defrost and restore koji to room temperature.

Let’s start making it!

[ Equipment ]

[ Ingredients ]

Making from Koji:

Making from Koji Powder:

[[ recipeID=recipe-8keg0cb2n, title=How to make Amazake - Hot Logic Mini (Lunch Box Warmer) ]]

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How to make Amazake - Hot Logic Mini (Lunch Box Warmer)

Let's make homemade Amazake with lunch box warmer! You can apply this recipe for white rice koji and brown rice koji.

Servings: 2 Cups

Keywords: Amazake, Koji, Koji Powder

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 8 hours 0 mins
  • Total Time: 8 hours 15 mins


Making from Koji:

  • 100 g Dried Rice Koji
  • 150 ml Water

Making from Koji Powder

  • 70 g Rice Koji Powder
  • 200-250 ml Water


Prepare the paper towels and place them on the hot plate:

  1. Fold the paper towels in half.
  2. Place folded paper towels in the lunch box. You need at least 6 layers of paper towels between the pyrex container and the hot plate.
  3. Then plug the hotplate into your power outlet. *If the paper towel is thin, you may add one or two more layers.
  4. Please remember!!! The temperature of the hot plate itself is too high to make Amazake! Do not exceed 158°F (70°C) during this process. Make sure you are moderating the heat by using the paper towels.

Prepare hot water:

  1. In the saucepan, boil the water and cool it down to 150°F (65°C).

Mix koji and hot water:

  1. Making from Koji: Put the koji in the pyrex and then add hot water and mix them well with the spoon.
  2. Making from Koji Powder: Pour the hot water in the pyrex. Then add Koii Powder and mix well with the spoon until there’s no unmixed powder. There should be no dry powder visible.

Place the container in Hot Logic Mini:

  1. Place the container in Hot Logic Mini.
  2. Then close the pyrex lid, but do not close tightly. Close the lid loosely to allow the air to flow, and carefully zip the Lunch Box closed.

Wait for 8 hours:

  1. During this time, check the temperature periodically during the fermentation. The temperature goal is to maintain somewhere between 132°F - 140°F (55°C - 60°C). If the temperature is too high (above 140°F/60°C), add the one layer of paper towel. If the temperature is too low (Below 131°F/55°C), remove the one layer.

Enjoy your amazake:

  1. Enjoy within a week when stored in the refrigerator, or store in the freezer for a few months. If you’d like a smooth texture, you can mix the Amazake in a blender. Enjoy your fresh Amazake as an alternative sweetener, or by mixing it with water/hot water and fresh grated ginger. Or use it with your favorite milk for a satisfying drink.


If you’d like a smooth texture, you can mix the Amazake in a blender. Enjoy your fresh Amazake as an alternative sweetener, or by mixing it with water/hot water and fresh grated ginger. Or use it with your favorite milk for a satisfying latte drink.